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European Banking Authority EBA

Michael Hysek, Managing Director of Banking Supervision at the FMA, reappointed as Chair of the European Banking Authority’s (EBA) SUPRISC Standing Committee

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Michael Hysek, Managing Director of Banking Supervision at the FMA, was re-elected as Co-Chair of one of the European Banking Authority’s four Standing Committees. As Co-Chair of the Supervision, Risks and Innovation Standing Committee (SUPRISC) he chairs one of the most important committees in the European banking supervision system. SUPRISC focuses on the areas of “risks”, “supervisory practices” and “innovation” and prepares EBA’s work programme in these areas, and therefore provides significant impulses regarding supervisory development in Europe. In the case of “Risks & Vulnerabilities” there is currently a particular focus on vulnerabilities that emanate from environmental, social and governance risk drivers, i.e. ESG factors. In addition, risks and vulnerabilities are also addressed in relation to cybersecurity, technological change, innovation, digital operational resilience and payment services. The SUPRISC mandate also includes stress tests, the management of information and communication technology (ICT) risks, as well as crisis management in general. Furthermore, preparations are also underway for EBA’s mandates in relation to the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) as well as the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR).

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