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180 results

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG as a legal person for a breach against the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) (Regulation (EU) 596/2014)

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FMA imposes sanction against Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG as a legal person for a breach against the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) (Regulation (EU) 596/2014)

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against the media owner of the website for breaches against the Capital Market Act (KMG)

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FMA imposes sanction against the media owner of the website for breaches against the KMG.

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against the person responsible of GoLending AT GmbH for breaches against the Capital Market Act (KMG)

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FMA imposes sanction against the person responsible of GoLending AT GmbH for breaches against the Capital Market Act (KMG).

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for breach against the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) – Regulation (EU) 596/2014

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FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for breach against the Market Abuse Regulation

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against Anglo Austrian AAB Bank AG (formerly Meinl Bank AG) for breaches against the Banking Act (BWG) as well as against a person responsible at the time of the offences being committed against the Banking Act (BWG) and the Securities Supervision Act (WAG 2007)

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FMA imposes sanction against Anglo Austrian AAB Bank AG (formerly Meinl Bank AG) for breaches against the BWG as well as against a person responsible at the time of the offences being committed against the BWG and the WAG 2007

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for a breach against the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR, Regulation (EU) 596/2014)

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FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for a breach against the Market Abuse Regulation

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for a breach against the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR; Regulation (EU) 596/2014)

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FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for breach against the Market Abuse Regulation

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for breach against the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR; Regulation (EU) 596/2014)

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FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for breach against the Market Abuse Regulation

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for breach against the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR; Regulation (EU) 596/2014)

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FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for breach against the Market Abuse Regulation

Announcement: FMA imposes sanctions against a person responsible at the time of the offence of AL Energie Effizienz Handels GmbH and WM Maierhofer AG for breaches against the KMG

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FMA imposes sanctions against a person responsible at the time of the offence for breaches against the KMG

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