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FMA publishes Q2 report on insurance industry

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Austria’s insurance industry has enjoyed a solid second quarter.

FMA and OeNB welcome agreement on Basel III: The package draws the correct lessons from the financial crisis and ensures appropriate transition periods

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Basel Committee decided to strengthen global capital standards.

FMA corrects inaccurate claims by UNIQA Personenversicherung AG and Raiffeisen Versicherung AG concerning their products “Zukunftsplan” and “Lebensaktie”.

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UNIQA Personenversicherung AG and Raiffeisen Versicherung AG

Due to repeated incorrect or distorted representations of the FMA Minimum Standards for Foreign Currency Loans, the FMA lays out their key components

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Minimum Standards for Foreign Currency Loans (FC loans) and for Loans with Repayment Vehicles (RV loans)

FMA publishes 2010 1st quarter report on the insurance and pension company market

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Premium revenues have increased in all balance sheet groups.

FMA study “State-sponsored retirement provision in 2009”: recovery in the wake of the crisis year

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The state-sponsored retirement provision continues to be a key product for old-age provision in the Austrian market.

FMA publishes two circulars in connection with money laundering and terrorist financing

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Circulars are intended to serve as a guide.

FMA presents 2009 Annual Report: Supervisory activities significantly intensified since 2008 reform

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The packages to encourage financial market stability and aid banks have proven themselves.

FMA extends temporary prohibition on naked short selling of shares of Erste Group Bank AG, Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding AG, UNIQA Versicherungen AG and WIENER STÄDTISCHE Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group

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Temporary prohibition on naked short selling extended.

FMA publishes the “Bands of Customary Charges” of investment firms on its website

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Financial Service Providers of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO) presented information to the FMA.

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