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724 results

FMA warns investors about “scalping” – a booming form of investment fraud

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Investment fraud is now increasingly spilling over into Austria from abroad.

FMA and E-Control working closely together on supervision of the Austrian CEGH Gas Exchange

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The trading on the Austrian CEGH Gas Exchange marks an important step towards greater transparency in the gas wholesale sector.

FMA Executive Board welcomes move by EU Commissioner Michel Barnier towards an EEA-wide minimum harmonisation of sanctions in the financial services sector

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Harmonisation of sanctions in the financial services sector.

FMA publishes Circular on Prospectus Law

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Legal opinion and interpretation in relation to the relevant provisions of the Capital Market Act, Stock Exchange Act and EU Regulation 809/2004/EC.

FMA extends temporary prohibition on naked short selling of shares of Erste Group Bank AG, Raiffeisen Bank International AG, UNIQA Versicherungen AG and VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe

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Temporary prohibition extended to 31 May 2011.

FMA lowers the maximum guaranteed rate permitted for life assurance to 2 per cent

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Amendment to the FMA Maximum Interest Rate Regulation.

FMA Director Peter Braumüller re-elected as IAIS-chair

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Braumüller will be heading the IAIS for a further two years.

FMA and OeNB sign Memorandum of Understanding with Bank of Russia on cross-border cooperation in banking supervision

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Memorandum of Understanding with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

FMA signs MoU on cross-border cooperation with the Macedonian Insurance Authority

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Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Macedonian Insurance Supervisory Authority.

FMA publishes Q2 report on pension company sector

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Negative investment result for Q2 2010.

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