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724 results

FMA report on Q4 2010 performance of Austrian Pensionskassen

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More assets managed, widely varying results.

FMA report on Q4 2010 performance of Austrian insurance sector

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Solid results for 2010 financial year

FMA reduces maximum calculation parameters for Pensionskassen

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Amendment to the Regulation on Calculation Parameters.

ESRB provides early warning system to counter financial market risks

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Inaugural meeting today.

Inaugural Session of the new European Banking Authority (EBA)

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FMA as a voting member at the Board of Supervisors of the European Banking Authority (EBA).

Inaugural Session of the new European Securities Markets Authority (ESMA)

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The FMA is represented in the institution’s committees by Kurt Pribil, Executive Director at the FMA.

Inaugural Session of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)

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The FMA is represented in the institution’s committees by Peter Braumüller.

FMA publishes Circular on the design of savings passbooks

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The way in which savings passbooks are designed is subject to statutory restrictions.

FMA Q3 2010 Report on Austrian Pensionskassen: Performance varies widely

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Performance varies widely

FMA issues warning: The “Austrian Capital Market Authority (ACMA)”, as represented on the internet, is not an Austrian supervisory authority

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In the Republic of Austria there is no supervisory authority called the “Austrian Capital Market Authority (ACMA)” existing.

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