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724 results

FMA issues a warning about spam faxes related to Idea Fabrik plc

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Investigations on market abuse.

FMA and OeNB Financial Market Supervisor course to be expanded to a certified university programme by the WU Executive Academy

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Financial Market Supervisor course further developed and expanded.

FMA report on the Q1 2011 performance of the Austrian insurance sector

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Solid start to 2011

FMA report on the Q1 2011 performance of the Austrian Pensionskassen

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Performance down, managed assets stable

FMA presents 2010 Annual Report

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Supervisory activity stepped up further, lessons from financial crisis being implemented step by step

FMA extends temporary prohibition on naked short selling in selected financial stocks

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Prohibition on naked short selling extended.

FMA publishes “Circular on Information including Marketing Communications pursuant to the WAG 2007”

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Circular addressing credit institutions, investment firms and investment service providers.

Founding conference of the “CESEE Insurance Supervision Initiative” in Vienna

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The “CESEE Insurance Supervision Initiative” is holding its founding conference today and tomorrow in Vienna.

FMA publishes Austrian results for EIOPA QIS 5 study

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Report on important indicators of the potential impact of Solvency II on the European insurance industry.

EBA stress tests 2011: More stringent scenario than in previous year

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Stress test of the banking sector forms part of a range of resistance tests .

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