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725 results

FMA Q2 2017 Survey on Foreign Currency Loans: Proportion of FX loans to all loans falls to 12.5%. Funding gap for repayment vehicles € 6 billion

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Proportion of FX loans to all loans falls to 12.5%

FMA Market Analysis: Austria’s supervised investment undertakings have client assets under management of approx. € 46 bn

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Development of licenced investment undertakings in recent years

FMA Q2 2017 Report on the Austrian insurance industry: volume of premiums continues to fall, lower technical result in first half of 2017

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volume of premiums continues to fall, lower technical result in first half of 2017

FMA strengthens Investor Protection: Circular on the Qualification of Investment Advisors

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Circular on the Qualification of Investment Advisors

FMA approves conversion of “KA Finanz AG” into a wind-down entity under BaSAG

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conversion of “KA Finanz AG”, previously a licenced bank into a wind-down entity

FMA Q2 2017 Report on the Supervision of Capital Market Prospectuses FMA approves 24 prospectuses and 25 supplements

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FMA approved 24 prospectuses and 25 supplements

FMA Market Analysis

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Austria’s supervised AIFMs manage 1,045 funds with assets under management totalling € 125 bn

FMA Report for Q2 2017 on Austrian Pensionskassen

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Assets managed increased by +1.3% to € 21.6 billion; investment performance up by 1.1%

FinTech Point of Contact continues to be in high demand

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36 market participants were provided with FinTech-related information

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is considering product interventions for highly-speculative financial instruments

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highly speculative financial instruments

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