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725 results

FMA Q3 2017 Report on Austrian Pensionskassen: Assets under Management increased by 1.2% to € 21.9 bn; Investment Performance +4.3%

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Assets under Management increased by 1.2% to € 21.9 bn; Investment Performance +4.3%

FMA Executive Directors reappointed by the President of Austria. FMA Strategy 2023: “Transparent, proportional and European supervision. Increase synergies and take advantage of digitalisation!”

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FMA Strategy 2023: “Transparent, proportional and European supervision. Increase synergies and take advantage of digitalisation!”

FMA Report on the State of the Insurance Sector 2017: consolidation process continues

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consolidation process continues, institutions remain on a sound footing

FMA to repeal the Issuer Compliance Regulation (ECV) with effect from the end of the year

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FMA to repeal ECV at the end of 2017

Corporate Provision Funds exceed € 10 billion in assets under management for the first time

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Assets under Management exceed € 10 billion for the first time

FMA Study on state-sponsored retirement provision in 2016: continuing fall in the number of contracts, while assets under management increase

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continuing fall in the number of contracts, while assets under management increase

2017 FMA Report on the state of Pensionskassen: strong concentration process in the Austrian market

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strong concentration process in the Austrian market

8th FMA Supervisory Conference: the FMA’s Executive Board subscribes to reforming and europeanisation of supervision, but urges attention to be paid to proportionality and subsidiarity

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The FMA’s Executive Board subscribes to reforming and europeanisation of supervision, but urges attention to be paid to proportionality and subsidiarity

8th FMA Supervisory Conference: the Austrian financial industry discusses “Banking Union: what next?” as well as the challenges presented by operational risks

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The Austrian financial industry discusses “Banking Union: what next?” as well as the challenges presented by operational risks

Financial Education in Focus: the FMA supports World Investor Week 2017

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Financial Education in Focus

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