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725 results

Q3 2019 FMA Report on Austrian Pensionskassen: Assets under Management increased by 2.3% to € 23.7 billion; investment performance +2.0%

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Assets under Management increased by 2.3% to € 23.7 billion; investment performance +2.0%

New power for greater investor protection: FMA publishes investor warning for the first time in relation to the Capital Market Act 2019 (KMG 2019)

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FMA publishes investor warning for the first time in relation to the Capital Market Act 2019 (KMG 2019)

The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) has today (22 November 2019) appointed the external auditor Mag. Friedrich Otto Hief as a government commissioner by means of an administrative decision for the licensed credit institution Anglo Austrian AAB Bank AG (previously Meinl Bank).

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External auditor Mag. Friedrich Otto Hief appointed as government commissioner for Anglo Austrian AAB Bank AG

The European Central Bank (ECB) has revoked the licence held by Anglo Austrian AAB Bank AG (previously Meinl Bank AG)

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held by Anglo Austrian AAB Bank

FMA extends deadline for application of strong customer authentication for card payments in e-commerce transactions to 31.12.2020

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FMA extends deadline for application of strong customer authentication for card payments in e-commerce transactions

FMA Study on “The market for state-sponsored retirement provision in 2018”: the number of contracts has fallen for a seventh consecutive year; negative investment performance in 2018.

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Number of contracts has fallen for a seventh consecutive year; negative investment performance in 2018.

10th FMA Supervisory Conference: “The Big Picture – relevent issues discussed controversially”. FMA Executive Director Ettl advises to be prepared for a “geopolitical recession”.

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FMA Executive Director Ettl advises to be prepared for a “geopolitical recession”.

Including virtual currencies in the prevention of money laundering: providers are subject to supervision by the FMA, applications for registration possible from 01.10.2019

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Inclusion of virtual currencies, applications for registration possible from 01.10.2019

FMA Survey on Foreign Currency Loans in Q2 2019: sustainable reduction of loans continues; outstanding volumes falls to € 14.11 bn

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sustainable reduction of loans continues; outstanding volumes falls to € 14.11 bn

FMA increases write-down ratio for HETA ASSET RESOLUTION AG to 86.32%; a further interim distribution is to be expected this year

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further interim distribution is to be expected this year

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