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Q4 2019 FMA Report on Supervision of Capital Markets Prospectuses: FMA approved 11 prospectuses and 15 supplements. 64 prospectuses approved in total (+2) in 2019.

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FMA approved 11 prospectuses and 15 supplements. 64 prospectuses approved in total (+2) in 2019.

FMA Report for Q4 2019 on Austrian Pensionskassen Assets under management increased by 2.7% to € 24.3 billion; investment performance +2.3%

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Assets under management increased by 2.7% to € 24.3 billion; investment performance +2.3%

FMA starts consultation of its “Guide for Handling Sustainability Risks”

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“Guide for Handling Sustainability Risks”

Anglo Austrian AAB Bank AG (previously Meinl Bank AG): Withdrawal of Banking Licence in force again. Appointment of the government commissioner lapses. The FMA has submitted an application at the Commercial Court for the appointment of a liquidator.

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Withdrawal of banking licence effective again. Appointment of government commissioner lapses. FMA applied for appointment of a liquidator.

Digitalisation of the Austrian Financial Market – Findings from the Call for Input

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Findings from the Call for Input

FSAP 2019: The International Monetary Fund gives the Austrian financial system a positive report

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International Monetary Fund gives the Austrian financial system a positive report

FMA publishes Circular on “Limited Networks” – explaining the provision governing the exception from the scope of the Payment Services Act 2018 as well as the obligation to notify such an exception

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explaining the provision governing the exception from the scope of ZaDiG 2018 and the obligation to notify such an exception

Foreign Business of Austrian Insurance Undertakings increased by 4.1% to € 5.8 bn and accounts for approx. 40% of total premiums

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+4.1% to € 5.8 bn and approx. 40% of total premiums

Inclusion of virtual currencies in the prevention of money laundering: certain providers subject to FMA supervision from 10 January 2020

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certain providers subject to FMA supervision from 10 January 2020

FMA Inspection Plan 2020: 172 on-site inspections, significantly increased intensity of inspections

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172 on-site inspections, significantly increased intensity of inspections

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