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724 results

FMA/OeNB: insolvency of Sberbank averted – all creditors able to be serviced in a timely manner

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All creditors able to be serviced in a timely manner

“Let’s talk about money”: Trading on Platforms

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Trading on Platforms

Consultation process begins for new FMA standards on residential real estate lending.

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Consultation process begins

High stakeholder participation in the “Call for Input” for the new edition of the FMA’s Austria-wide Digitalisation Study.

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Results from the Call for Input

FMA admits four crowdfunding platform providers to the Regulatory Sandbox. Now seven FinTechs already in the sandbox. First participant obtained licence.

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Now seven FinTechs already in the sandbox. First participant obtained licence.

“Let’s talk about money”: fixed or variable rate borrowing?

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In the latest edition of our series “Let’s talk about money” we explain the difference between fixed and variable interest rates.

The EU’s financial market regulators warn about the high risks entailed by crypto-assets, urge particular caution and start a social media information campaign

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EU financial market regulators urge particular caution and start a social media information campaign

FMA Foreign Currency Loans Survey, 4th Quarter 2021: outstanding volume € 9.8 bn, adjusted for exchange rate effects now four-fifths less than in 2008

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FMA Foreign Currency Loans Survey, 4th Quarter 2021: outstanding volume € 9.8 bn, adjusted for exchange rate effects now four-fifths less than in 2008

Number of whistle-blowing reports again increases strongly: predominantly reports about investment fraud, especially in relation to crypto-assets, and irregularities in trading in securities.

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predominantly reports about investment fraud, especially in relation to crypto-assets, and irregularities in trading in securities.

FMA Report for Q4 2021 on Austrian Pensionskassen: managed assets in 2021 rose to € 26.98 bn; 2021 investment performance of +7.65%

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managed assets in 2021 rose to € 26.98 bn; 2021 investment performance of +7.65%

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