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2685 results

FXOptexGroups Global Ltd

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

Lapsing of Licence

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Saphal Invest GmbH

LVA24 Prozessfinanzierung GmbH

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FMA is participating in the ESMA Common Supervisory Action 2021 on MiFID II Product Governance

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Topic: MiFID II Product Governance

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against the person responsible at ARNEZEDER GmbH & Co KG at the time of the offence being committed for a public offering without publishing a prospectus

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FMA imposes sanction against the person responsible at ARNEZEDER GmbH & Co KG at the time of the offence being committed for a public offering without publishing a prospectus

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for a breach of the ban on market manipulation

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FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for a breach of the ban on market manipulation


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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with these providers.

Wexness Banc / Gozala Enterprise Ltd

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with these providers.

Cryptofundfx Ltd.

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with these providers.

FMA Quarterly Report for Q3 2020 for Supervision of Capital Market Prospectuses: issuances stable for quarter and year as a whole despite turbulence due to COVID-19 pandemic

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Issuances stable for quarter and year as a whole despite turbulence due to COVID-19 pandemic

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