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“Let’s talk about money”: fixed or variable rate borrowing?

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In the latest edition of our series “Let’s talk about money” we explain the difference between fixed and variable interest rates.

Suspension of Unit Certificate Trading for ERSTE BOND CHINA

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Suspension of Unit Certificate Trading

CFD Advanced Ltd (“CFD Advanced”)

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The FMA warns against conducting transactions with CFD Advanced Ltd

The EU’s financial market regulators warn about the high risks entailed by crypto-assets, urge particular caution and start a social media information campaign

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EU financial market regulators urge particular caution and start a social media information campaign


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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

FMA Foreign Currency Loans Survey, 4th Quarter 2021: outstanding volume € 9.8 bn, adjusted for exchange rate effects now four-fifths less than in 2008

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FMA Foreign Currency Loans Survey, 4th Quarter 2021: outstanding volume € 9.8 bn, adjusted for exchange rate effects now four-fifths less than in 2008

Paraiba World

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

Nexus Global Affiliate Ltd.

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This provider is not authorised to distribute mining packages in Austria

Number of whistle-blowing reports again increases strongly: predominantly reports about investment fraud, especially in relation to crypto-assets, and irregularities in trading in securities.

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predominantly reports about investment fraud, especially in relation to crypto-assets, and irregularities in trading in securities.

Fast Credit Service

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

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