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Announcement: FMA imposes measure against Raiffeisenbank Gramastetten eGen to establish legal compliance with regard to its organisational measures for ensuring proof of the necessary knowledge and competences of its staff members

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FMA imposes measure

FMA Foreign Currency Loans Survey, 1st Quarter 2022: adjusted for exchange rate effects outstanding volume has decreased by € 39.24 bn since 2008, in absolute term € 9.4 bn still outstanding.

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outstanding volume of FX lending to private households decreased during the 1st quarter of 2022 compared with the previous quarter

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Attention! The FMA warns investors against concluding transactions with this provider. International Consulting International FZCO

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Attention! The FMA warns investors against concluding transactions with this provider.

Amsterdam Trade Bank NV (ATB)

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Information from the Dutch supervisor about the deposit guarantee pay-out event

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against Kurt Üblacker for unauthorised deposit-taking business

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FMA imposes sanction against Kurt Üblacker for unauthorised deposit-taking business

FMA Q1 2022 Report on the Austrian Insurance Sector: increase in premium volume, fall in earnings from ordinary activities

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increase in premium volume, fall in earnings from ordinary activities

Lapsing of Licence of DIMOCO Payment Services GmbH

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Lapsing of licence following merger with DIMOCO Carrier Billing GmbH

FMA Report for Q1 2022 on Austrian Pensionskassen: assets managed falls, more than one million beneficiaries (entitled and recipients)

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assets managed falls, more than one million beneficiaries (entitled and recipients)

“Let’s talk about money”: Investment advice

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The FMA devotes the latest edition of its information series “Let’s talk about money” to investment advice

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