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2685 results

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against a retail investor for a breach of insider trading regulations

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FMA imposes sanction against a retail investor for a breach of insider trading regulations

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against a retail investor for a breach against the ban on market manipulation

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FMA imposes sanction against a retail investor for a breach against the ban on market manipulation


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Attention! The FMA warns investors against concluding transactions with this provider.

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against a natural person for a breach regarding the unlawful disclosure of insider information

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FMA imposes sanction against a natural person for a breach regarding the unlawful disclosure of insider information

FMA issues Regulation for sustainable lending standards for residential real estate financing (KIM-V)

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Sustainable lending standards for the financing of residential real estate


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Attention! The FMA warns investors against concluding transactions with this provider.

FMA Report on Asset Management for the 1st Quarter of 2022: stock market turbulence affects net asset value of investment funds despite significant net inflows

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At the end of Q1 2022, Austrian investment funds managed approx. € 220.0 bn in assets.

Announcement: FMA imposes a sanction against the responsible persons of Speedinvest GmbH for a breach of the regulations in the European Venture Capital Funds Regulation

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FMA imposes sanction against the responsible persons of Speedinvest GmbH for breach of Venture Capital Funds Regulation

Announcement: FMA imposes measure against Raiffeisenbank Mühlviertler Alm eGen to establish legal compliance with regard to its organisational measures for ensuring proof of the necessary knowledge and competences of its staff members

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FMA imposes measure

Announcement: FMA imposes measure against Raiffeisenbank Gramastetten eGen to establish legal compliance with regard to its organisational measures for ensuring proof of the necessary knowledge and competences of its staff members

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FMA imposes measure

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