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Aussetzung des Anteilscheingeschäftes

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Aussetzung des Anteilscheingeschäftes Allianz Invest Osteuropa Rentenfonds

FMA Foreign Currency Loans Survey, 2nd Quarter 2022: outstanding volume reduced to € 9.25 bn, and now only 5.1% of all loans to private households.

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outstanding volume reduced to € 9.25 bn and now only 5.1% of all loans to private households.

FMA Report on Asset Management for the 2nd Quarter of 2022: falling stock markets depress net asset value of funds, and net outflows of funds also observed.  

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Falling stock markets depress net asset value of funds, and net outflows of funds also observed

Lapsing of Licence Raiffeisenbank Lutzmannsburg-Frankenau eGen

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Lapsing of Licence

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against Ampega Investment GmbH for breaches against investment provisions

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FMA imposes sanction against Ampega Investment GmbH for breaches against investment provisions

business4life GmbH – Relinquishing of Registration as a Virtual Assets Service Provider

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business4life GmbH – Zurücklegung der Registrierung als Dienstleister in Bezug auf virtuelle Währungen

Planned Portfolio Transfer from UK P&I Club N.V. to Accredited Insurance (Europe) Limited

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Planned portfolio transfer from UK P&I Club N.V. to Accredited Insurance (Europe) Limited

Stanford Global Securities

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Attention! The FMA warns against concluding transactions with this provider.

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for a breach against the ban on market manipulation

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FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for a breach against the ban on market manipulation

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for a breach against the ban on market manipulation

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FMA imposes sanction against a private investor for a breach against the ban on market manipulation

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