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All news in category: Press Release


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724 results

FMA activates whistleblower hotline

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FMA whistleblower hotline

Banking supervision in the euro area to be put on a new footing in 2014: the Single Supervisory Mechanism requires close cooperation between the ECB and the FMA

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Single Supervisory Mechanism requires close cooperation between the ECB and the FMA

2014 brings new tasks and challenges for the Financial Market Authority (FMA)

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20014: new tasks and challenges

FMA Q3 2013 Report on Austrian Insurance Sector

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slight decline in premium revenues, result from ordinary activities up

FMA Q3 2013 Report on Austrian Prospectus Supervision

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Q3 2013 Prospectus Supervision

FMA amends Regulation on Investments to help insurance undertakings lend to companies in the real economy

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Regulation on Investments

FMA adopts regulations on allocation of additional interest provisions

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Regulations on allocation of additional interest provisions

2013 Report on Austrian Pensionskassen

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Assets managed total € 16.9 billion, number of beneficiaries slightly up

FMA Q3 2013 Survey on Foreign Currency Loans

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Further fall in outstanding FX loans. European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) praises reduction strategy

FMA declares full application of ESMA Guidelines on remuneration policies and practices (MiFID)

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Full application of ESMA Guidelines on remuneration policies and practices (MiFID)

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