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All news in category: Press Release


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724 results

FMA Director Peter Braumüller appointed Deputy Chair of EIOPA

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Peter Braumüller, Director for Insurance and Pension Supervision at the FMA, has been elected Deputy Chairman of EIOPA

FMA Q3 2014 Report on Austrian Insurance Sector

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premium volume and result from ordinary activities up

FMA Q3 2014 Report on Austrian Pensionskassen

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Assets managed € 18.6 billion, investment performance 1.3%

FMA Q3 2014 Survey on Foreign Currency Loans

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Sustained decline in household foreign currency loans continues

FMA Q3 2014 Report on the Supervision of Capital Market Prospectuses

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22 prospectuses and 43 supplements approved

FMA Q2 2014 Report on Austrian Insurance Sector

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strong increase in technical account balance, slight increases in premium revenues and financial result

Single Supervisory Mechanism becomes operational

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ECB to assume responsibility for banking supervision within the euro area

European Stress Test Confirms Expected Results for Austria’s Banks

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Five Austrian banks have sufficient capital buffers even under the most adverse stress scenarios; restructuring of Österreichische Volksbanken-AG must be moved forward rapidly and consistently

FMA Q2 2014 Survey on Foreign Currency Loans

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FX loan volume to private borrowers below 20% for the first time in 15 years

FMA study “State-Sponsored Retirement Provision in 2013”

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market stagnating, weak performance

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