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FMA Q3 2022 Report on the Austrian Insurance Sector: Premium Volume + 4.69% but massive fall in earnings figures

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Premium Volume + 4.69% but massive fall in earnings figures

EIOPA/FMA Climate Stress Test: Austrian Pensionskassen suffer approximately 10% loss of assets, but perform better than EU average

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Austrian Pensionskassen suffer approximately 10% loss of assets, but perform better than EU average

Portfolio transfer from Navillus Insurance Company dac to Pharma International Insurance dac

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Portfolio transfer from Navillus Insurance Company dac to Pharma International Insurance dac


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Attention! The FMA warns against concluding transactions with this provider.

FMA Report: Asset Management 3rd Quarter 2022: Net assets value fell by -2.2% to approx. € 198.6 bn. Sustainability funds continue to show significant growth.

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Asset Management 3rd Quarter 2022: Net asset value fell by -2.2% to approx. € 198.6 bn. Sustainability funds continue to show significant growth.


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Attention! The FMA warns against concluding transactions with this provider.

Florence Capital Advisor Group

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Attention! The FMA warns against concluding transactions with this provider.

The latest edition of the FMA’s consumer information series “Let’s talk about money” explains about how sustainable investment can succeed

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In the new edition of the FMA’s consumer information series “Let’s talk about money” we explain about how sustainable investment can succeed


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Attention! The FMA warns against concluding transactions with this provider.

Portfolio transfer from R&Q Theta DAC to Accredited Insurance (Europe) Limited

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Portfolio transfer from R&Q Theta DAC to Accredited Insurance (Europe) Limited

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