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All news in category: Press Release


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724 results

FMA warns consumers to exercise particular caution in connection with virtual currencies and virtual currency-based business models and investment products

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The FMA warns consumers to exercise particular caution in connection with virtual currencies and virtual currency-based business models and investment products

FMA Study 2015: state-sponsored retirement provisions market continues to shrink, despite boom in long-term insurance contracts. Returns very heterogeneous

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Market as a whole shrinking. Boom in long-term contracts.

7th FMA Supervisory Conference: FMA Executive Board press strongly for a dynamic, risk-oriented and proportional application of supervisory rules.

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FMA Executive Board in favour of a dynamic, risk-oriented and proportional application of supervisory rules.

7th FMA Supervisory Conference: representatives from supervision, politics and industry discuss current challenges under the general title of “Financial Markets 2.0 – (R)evolution?”

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“Financial Markets 2.0 – (R)evolution?”

FMA reduces the maximum guaranteed rate in life assurance to 0.5% from 1 January 2017

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FMA reduces the maximum guaranteed rate in life assurance to 0.5% from 1 January 2017

FMA Q2 2016 Report on Austrian Insurance Sector

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Volume of premiums continue to fall, while solvency remains high

FMA Q2 2016 Survey on Foreign Currency Loans

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Proportion of FX lending has fallen from one third to less than one sixth of all outstanding loans

FMA Q2 2016 Report on the Supervision of Capital Market Prospectuses

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FMA approved 14 prospectuses and 31 supplements

FMA Report for Q2 2016 on Austrian Pensionskassen

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Managed assets increased by 1.1% to € 19.8 Billion; Investment Performance +0.5%

EBA stress test confirms results expected for the two participating Austrian banks

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Results for Austrian banks

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