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724 results

FMA enables online customer identification

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Regulation on Online Identification

FMA Analysis on the foreign business of Austrian insurance groups: almost half of total premium volume generated abroad

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Almost half of the total premiums volume generated abroad.

FMA inspection strategy 2017: 267 on-site measures planned at banks, insurance undertakings and investment firms

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267 on-site measures planned at banks, insurance undertakings and investment firms

FMA Q3 2016 Report on the Austrian insurance industry: slight decrease in premium volume reported

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slight decrease in premium volume reported

FMA Q3 2016 Report on the Supervision of Capital Market Prospectuses: FMA approved 16 prospectuses and 12 supplements

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FMA approved 16 prospectuses and 12 supplements

FMA Q3 2016 Survey on Foreign Currency Loans: continued reduction of volume of foreign currency loans

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continued reduction of volume of foreign currency loans

First Europe-wide stress test for insurance undertakings under Solvency II

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The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has conducted a stress test among insurance undertakings throughout Europe.

FMA Report for Q3 2016 on Austrian Pensionskassen: Assets managed increased by 3.6% to € 20.6 bn; Investment performance +3.2%

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Assets managed increased by 3.6% to € 20.6 bn.; Investment performance +3.2%

FMA Director Ettl highlights the importance of conduct supervision for limiting operational risk. WKO’s Rudorfer welcomes possibility of video-based identification from 2017

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FMA Director Ettl highlights the importance of conduct supervision for limiting operational risk

FMA Report on the State of the Austrian Insurance Industry: market consolidation observed prior to Solvency II continues

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FMA Report on the State of the Austrian Insurance Industry

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