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All news in category: Press Release


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725 results

FMA Complaints Report 2016: total customer complaints to insurance undertakings fall; almost every other complaint substantiated

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Decrease in customer complaints to insurance undertakings

FMA issues administrative decision regarding HETA ASSET RESOLUTION AG

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Haircut for eligible priority liabilities now only 35.60% rather than previous level of 53.98%

FMA tightens its Minimum Standards on Foreign Currency Loans and Loans with Repayment Vehicles

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New Minimum Standards apply from 01.06.2017

Subordinated loans in the future to generally be classed as investments and are therefore subject to prospectus obligations

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to be generally considered as investments in the future.

FMA Q4 2016 Survey on Foreign Currency Loans

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Volume of foreign currency loans fell by € 3 bn in 2016

FMA Q4 2016 Report on the Austrian insurance industry

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Volume of premiums fell both in Q4 2016 and in 2016 as a whole

FMA Q4 2016 Report on the Supervision of Capital Market Prospectuses: FMA approved 53 prospectuses and 71 supplements in 2016

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FMA approved 53 prospectuses and 71 supplements in 2016

FMA Report for Q4 2016 on Austrian Pensionskassen

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Assets managed € 20.8 bn, investment performance for 2016 +4.2%

FinTech Point of Contact: a positive first three months

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a positive first three months

The FMA advises consumers to exercise particular caution in relation to high risk financial products such as “binary options” and “contracts for difference”

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in relation to high risk financial products such as “binary options” and “contracts for difference”

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