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Brookfield EU

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Attention! The FMA warns against concluding transactions with this provider.

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against Western Union International Bank GmbH for a breach of regulations in connection with the drawing up of key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIP-KIDs)

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FMA imposes sanction against Western Union International Bank GmbH for a breach of regulations in connection with the drawing up of PRIIP-KIDs

FMA Foreign Currency Loans Survey, 4th Quarter 2022: outstanding volume € 8.6 bn, outstanding amount reduced by 85% since 2008 after adjustments for exchange rate effects

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outstanding volume € 8.6 bn, outstanding amount reduced by 85% since 2008 after adjustments for exchange rate effects

Universe Trading LLC / Trust Your Universe

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Attention! The FMA warns against concluding transactions with this provider.

FMA Q4 2022 Report on the Austrian Insurance Sector: 2022 was a difficult year – significant growth in premiums but massive drop in earning power

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2022 was a difficult year – significant growth in premiums but massive drop in earning power

FMA Report for Q4 2022 on Austrian Pensionskassen: Assets managed fell to € 24.35 bn in 2022; Investment performance -9.68% in 2022

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Assets managed fell to €24.35 bn in 2022. Investment performance -9.68% in 2022

The latest edition of the FMA publication “Let’s talk about money” contains tips about preventing poverty in old-age among women

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In the latest edition of its information series “Let’s talk about money” the FMA addresses the issue of poverty in old-age among women

FMA Asset Management Report on the Austrian Funds Market in 2022: large falls in price reduce net asset value by 13.2% to € 200 billion

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large falls in price reduce total net asset value by 13.2% to € 200 billion


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Attention! The FMA warns against concluding transactions with this provider.

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against HYPO TIROL BANK AG for a breach of suitability rules in conjunction with the provision of investment advice services

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FMA imposes sanction against HYPO TIROL BANK AG for a breach of suitability rules in conjunction with the provision of investment advice services

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