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All news in category: Press Release


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725 results

FMA Survey on Foreign Currency Loans in Q2 2018: proportion of FX loans to all loans falls to 10.2%. Outstanding volume: € 15.26 billion

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Share of FX loans to all loans falls to 10.2%

ESMA to renew distribution restrictions for binary options and CFDs. FMA calls on investors to report any instances of these products being offered.

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FMA calls on investors to report any instances of these products being offered.

Standardised Key Information Documents for Insurance-based Investment Products increase transparency and comparability of investment products across sectoral boundaries.

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Increased transparency and comparability of investment products across sectoral boundaries

9th FMA Supervisory Conference: “The Financial Market as a Global Village: integrated, innovative and international” – a plea for integrated regulation and supervision

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“The Financial Market as a Global Village” – a plea for integrated regulation and supervision

9th FMA Supervisory Conference: “The Financial Market as a Global Village: integrated, innovative and international” – Internet livestream – virtual microphone for questions to the panels

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The Financial Market as a Global Village: integrated, innovative and international

FMA Report on Supervision of Capital Markets Prospectuses Q2 2018: FMA approved 20 prospectuses and 43 supplements

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FMA approved 20 prospectuses and 43 supplements

FMA warns about dubious and fraudulent providers of financial services that are only pretending to be regulated and supervised

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Impersonation of regulator and supervisor

FMA publishes findings of the 2018 Survey of Market Standard Fees and Charges of Investment Firms, Issuers and Custodian Banks

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Providers are required to refer their clients to this FMA publication

Q2 2018 FMA report on the Austrian insurance industry: premium volume increased during H1 while earnings fell

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premium volume increased during H1 while earnings fell

FMA publishes Guides on IT Security for Fund Managers and Investment Services Providers

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IT Security for Fund Managers and Investment Services Providers

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