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All news in category: Press Release


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724 results

FMA Survey on Foreign Currency Loans in Q1 2019: volume has fallen by €33.3 bn adjusted for exchange rate effects, €14.5 bn still outstanding in absolute terms.

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Volume has fallen by €33.3 bn adjusted for exchange rate effects, €14.5 bn still outstanding in absolute terms.

FMA Market Study on Fund Fees for Austrian Retail Funds 2019: no significant changes; fees in line with EU average.

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no significant changes; fees in line with EU average

Q1 2019 FMA Report on Supervision of Capital Markets Prospectuses: stable issuance activity despite challenging environment.

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stable issuance activity despite challenging environment

FMA clarifies and tightens up the requirements for the prevention of money laundering by entities that it supervises

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FMA clarifies and tightens up requirements

Q1 2019 FMA Report on the Austrian Pensionskassen: Assets under Management at all-time high of EUR 22.6 billion

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Assets under Management at all-time high of EUR 22.6 billion

Q1 2019 FMA report on the Austrian insurance industry: insurance business doing well, investment business struggling

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Insurance business doing well, investment business struggling

FMA prohibits the sale of binary options to retail investors and also massively restricts the distribution of Contracts for Difference (CFDs) to them

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the sale of binary options to retail investors, and massively restricts the distribution of CFDs

The FMA is hosting the Annual Conference of the Group of Banking Supervisors from Central and Eastern Europe

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26 supervisory authorities from throughout the region will discuss digitalisation and the prevention of money laundering

The FMA creates a better overview for insurance contracts

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FMA creates a better overview for insurance contracts

The FMA presents its 2018 Annual Report: Austria’s financial market is stable and resilient, and the supervisor is working efficiently and effectively

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Austria’s financial market is stable and resilient, and the supervisor is working efficiently and effectively

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