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All news in category: Press Release


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724 results

Q2 2019 FMA Report on Supervision of Capital Markets Prospectuses: FMA approved 24 prospectuses and 32 supplements

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FMA approved 24 prospectuses and 32 supplements

Q2 2019 FMA Report on Asset Management: managed assets increase by +6.6% to € 185.2 bn

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managed assets increase by +6.6% to € 185.2 bn

Q2 2019 FMA Report on Austrian Pensionskassen: Assets under Management increased by 2.2% to € 23.1 billion; investment performance +1.7%

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Assets under Management increased by 2.2% to € 23.1 billion; investment performance +1.7%

FMA extends implementation period for strong customer authentication for card payments in e-commerce

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FMA extends implementation for card payments in e-commerce

FMA and OeNB prioritise the focus of their supervision activities in the second half of the year on IT risks, sustainable lending and cooperation in CEE

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by the FMA and OeNB in the second half of the year

New European prospectus regime enters into force: prospectus approval process is fully digitalised, easier access for issuers, improved investor protection

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Approval procedure fully digitalised, easier access for issuers, improved investor protection

Digitalisation in the Austrian financial market

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The FMA has published a comprehensive study on digitalisation in the Austrian financial market.

FMA and OeNB test the Austrian banking sector’s ability to react to cyber attacks

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FMA and OeNB test the Austrian banking sector’s ability to react to cyber attacks

FMA declares by means of an administrative decision that the resolution of “immigon portfolioabbau ag” has been concluded

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The FMA declares in an administrative decision that the resolution of “immigon portfolioabbau ag” has been concluded

FMA Report on Asset Management in the first quarter of 2019: funds under management increase by +4.7% to € 181.9 billion

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Funds under management increased by +4.7% to € 181.9 billion

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