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2685 results

Lapsing of Licence Raiffeisenbank Kirchdorf Tirol

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Raiffeisenbank Kirchdorf Tirol

Announcement: granting of authorisation as a crowdfunding service provider in the Regulatory Sandbox – dagobertinvest gmbh

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The FMA is required to publish details of Regulatory Sandbox participants on its website pursuant to Article 23a para. 4 FMABG.

FMA Report on Asset Management for the 2nd quarter of 2023: Slow recovery for investment funds in 2023 after falls incurred in 2022

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Slow recovery for investment funds in 2023 after falls incurred in 2022

FMA Foreign Currency Loans Survey, 2nd Quarter 2023: outstanding loan volume falls to € 7.9 bn, 4.4% of all loans to private households

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outstanding loan volume falls to € 7.9 bn, 4.4% of all loans to private households

Lapsing of Licence Franz Hofstätter Gesellschaft m.b.H.

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Franz Hofstätter Gesellschaft m.b.H.

FMA Q2 2023 Report on the Austrian Insurance Sector: premium volume continues to rise, earnings situation significantly improved

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premium volume continues to rise, earnings situation significantly improved

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Attention! The FMA warns against concluding transactions with this provider.

FMA Report on Pensionskassen Q2 2023: assets managed increase, investment performance positive

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Assets managed increase, investment performance positive

Lapsing of Licence: WPDLU Ing. Herbert Smekal

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WPDLU Ing. Herbert Smekal

The latest edition of the FMA’s “Let’s talk about money” series explains how the Financial Market Authority protects consumers and safeguards financial stability

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The FMA explains how it protects consumers in its information series “Let’s talk about money”

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