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All news in category: Press Release


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724 results

Number of investor warnings issued by FMA at new record high: 97 investor warnings were published in 2019

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97 investor warnings published in 2019

FMA and OeNB define their joint objectives for banking supervision for 2020

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Objectives for Banking Supervision in 2020

FMA Report on the State of the Austria Insurance Market: Investments away from the capital markets are more attractive in the low interest environment; cyberresilience of the Austrian insurance sector is currently still strongly driven in a “bottom-up” manner

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on the State of the Austrian Insurance Industry

FMA Survey on Foreign Currency Loans in Q3 2019: massive reduction of outstanding volume of foreign currency loans continues

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massive reduction of outstanding volume of foreign currency loans continues

Q3 2019 FMA report on the Austrian insurance industry: Premium volume increased by 4.67% to € 4.07 bn, result from ordinary activities increases.

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Premium volume increased by 4.67% to € 4.07 bn, result from ordinary activities increases.

Q3 2019 FMA Report on Supervision of Capital Markets Prospectuses: FMA approved 21 prospectuses and 18 supplements

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FMA approved 21 prospectuses and 18 supplements

FMA approves third interim distribution by HETA of € 2.05 billion – in total € 9.9 billion has now been distributed to creditors

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Amount of distribution € 2.05 billion – in total € 9.9 billion has now been distributed to creditors

FMA publishes its priorities for supervision and inspections for 2020 and presents the publication “Facts and Figures, Trends and Strategies 2020“

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FMA presents the publication “Facts and Figures, Trends and Strategies 2020“

Q3 2019 FMA Report on Asset Management: managed assets increase by +8.9% to € 189.2 bn

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managed assets increase by +8.9% to € 189.2 bn

Q3 2019 FMA Report on Austrian Pensionskassen: Assets under Management increased by 2.3% to € 23.7 billion; investment performance +2.0%

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Assets under Management increased by 2.3% to € 23.7 billion; investment performance +2.0%

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