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724 results

The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) has today appointed Dorotea-E. Rebmann to assist the Management Board of “Autobank AG” as temporary administrator under BaSAG by means of an administrative decision.

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FMA appoints Dorotea-E. Rebmann to assist the Management Board of “Autobank AG” as a temporary administrator under BaSAG by means of an administrative decision.

FMA and European supervisory institutions recommend banks and insurance undertakings to refrain from dividend distributions and share buy backs this year as well as to pursue a conservative remuneration policy

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Banks and insurance undertakings should refrain from dividend distributions and share buy backs this year as well as to pursue a conservative remuneration policy

FMA files application for the initiation of insolvency proceedings at the Landesgericht Eisenstadt against the assets of “Commerzialbank Mattersburg im Burgenland AG”.

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Commerzialbank Mattersburg im Burgenland AG

The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) has issued an administrative decision prohibiting “Commerzialbank Mattersburg im Burgenland AG” from continuing business operations, and has appointed the external auditor Bernhard Mechtler as government commissioner.

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Commerzialbank Mattersburg im Burgenland AG

FMA Quarterly Report for Q1 2020 for Supervision of Capital Market Prospectuses: FMA approves seven prospectuses and 20 supplements.

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Supervision of capital market prospectuses: FMA approved seven prospectuses and 20 supplements

Climate Change, Corruption and Child Labour – FMA publishes cross-sector Guide for Managing Sustainability Risks

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on Management of Sustainability Risks

FMA Report for the 1st Quarter of 2020 for the Austrian insurance industry: stable undertakings in a difficult environment.

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Stable undertakings in a difficult environment.

FMA Foreign Currency Loans Survey, 1st Quarter 2020: volume adjusted for exchange rate changes has fallen by € 35.5 bn since 2008, in absolute terms € 13 bn still outstanding.

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Volume adjusted for exchange rate changes has fallen by € 35.5 bn since 2008, in absolute terms € 13 bn still outstanding.

FMA Market Study 2020 on fund fees charges by Austrian retail funds: no significant changes; fees lower than EU average

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no significant changes; fees lower than EU average

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) extends reporting requirement for Net Short Positions of 0.1% or more

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for net short positions of 0.1% and higher

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