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FMA report on Q1 2014 performance of the Austrian insurance sector

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High increase in premium volume abroad, result from ordinary activities down

Toth Vermögensverwaltung AG

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The FMA warns investors against the conclusion of banking transactions with this provider.

FMA Q1 2014 Report on Austrian Pensionskassen

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assets managed € 17.7 billion, investment performance 1.8%

FMA publishes results of 2014 survey on customary charges and fees of investment firms, issuers and custodian banks

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FMA publishes results of 2014 survey on customary charges and fees of investment firms, issuers and custodian banks

FMA Q1 2014 Survey on Foreign Currency Loans

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Sustained decline in household FX loans continues

FMA presents 2013 Annual Report

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Reinforcing the stability of the financial market, improved preventive measures, expanding consumer protection

FMA initiates investigation of ‘microfinance bonds’ from GetBucks Invest GmbH

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Investigation of ‘microfinance bonds’ from GetBucks Invest GmbH

FMA Q4 2013 Report on Austrian Insurance Sector

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premium volume slightly up in Q4 as well as in 2013 overall

World Trade Consortium

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The FMA warns investors against the conclusion of investment services requiring a licence with this provider.

FMA welcomes European proposal for a Single Resolution Mechanism for banks

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FMA welcomes proposal for Single Resolution Mechanism

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