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FMA has today submitted all of the files requested by the Hypo Investigation Committee to the Austrian National Council within the required deadline

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FMA submitted all of the files requested by the Hypo Investigation Committee to the Austrian National Council

FMA Q4 2014 Report on Austrian Pensionskassen

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Assets managed € 19 billion, 2014 investment performance 7.8%

FMA Q4 2014 Report on the Supervision of Capital Market Prospectuses

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FMA approved 11 prospectuses and 73 supplements in Q4, 87 prospectuses and 205 supplements in 2014 overall

General Business Capital AG

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The FMA warns investors against the conclusion of investment services requiring a licence with this provider.

Austria’s Financial Market Authority additionally becomes national resolution authority as of 1 January 2015

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FMA additionally becomes national resolution authority as of 1 January 2015

FMA orders resolution of “Heta Asset Resolution AG” by administrative ruling in accordance with the Federal Act on the Recovery and Resolution of Banks (BaSAG) and enforces a temporary moratorium on its debts.

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The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) issued an administrative decision initiating the resolution of “Heta Asset Resolution AG”

MAX EASY CREDIT financial assistance

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The FMA warns investors against the conclusion of banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

International Trade Management

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The FMA warns investors against the conclusion of securities transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

Interequity Inc.

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FMA Director Peter Braumüller appointed Deputy Chair of EIOPA

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Peter Braumüller, Director for Insurance and Pension Supervision at the FMA, has been elected Deputy Chairman of EIOPA

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