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All news in category: Press Release


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724 results

FMA Foreign Currency Loans Survey, 3rd Quarter 2020: continuing reduction in outstanding volume. Repayment vehicle coverage gap at YE 2019: € 3.9 bn.

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Continuing reduction in outstanding volume. Repayment vehicle coverage gap at YE 2019: € 3.9 bn.

FMA supports ECB recommendation to refrain from distributions until 30 September 2021 and to urge utmost caution.

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to refrain from distributions until 30 September 2021

FMA Report for Q3 2020 on Austrian Pensionskassen: assets managed increases to € 23.8 billion (+2.3%), investment performance +2.2%

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assets managed increases to € 23.8 billion (+2.3%), investment performance +2.2%

FMA Report for the 3rd Quarter of 2020 for the Austrian insurance industry: premium volume falls by 0.7% to €4.36bn, result from ordinary activities (EGT) recovering slowly.

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premium volume falls by 0.7% to €4.36bn, result from ordinary activities (EGT) recovering slowly.

FMA publishes its priorities for supervision and inspection for 2021 and presents the publication “Facts and Figures, Trends and Strategies 2021”.

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FMA publishes priorities for supervision and inspections for 2021

Warning: professional money launderers are trying to attract jobseekers to work as financial agents, and to use them to launder money

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professional money launderers are hiring jobseekers to work as financial agents, and using them to launder money

Peter Braumüller, FMA Managing Director for Insurance and Pensionskassen Supervision, re-elected as Vice Chairperson of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA).

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FMA Managing Director for Insurance and Pensionskassen Supervision re-elected

FMA Report on the State of the Austrian Pensionskassen 2020: heavily diversified and dynamic investment strategy, critical exposure to climate risks

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heavily diversified and dynamic investment strategy, critical exposure to climate risks

FMA Executive Director Ettl: valid, standardised and comparable data are a basic precondition for sustainable financial services. The FMA Guide on Sustainability makes a significant contribution.

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Climate risk exposure of Austrian financial portfolios

Q3 2020 FMA Report on Asset Management: upturn in Austria’s funds industry defies gloomy economic expectations

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upturn in Austria’s funds industry defies gloomy economic expectations

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