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All news in category: Press Release


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724 results

FMA Executive Director Helmut Ettl elected to the Management Board of the European Banking Authority (EBA)

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FMA Executive Director elected to the Management Board of the European Banking Authority (EBA)

Strong increase in whistle-blowing tip-offs. More than half relate to investment fraud, particular with crypto assets

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More than half relate to investment fraud, particular with crypto assets

FMA Quarterly Report for Q3 2020 for Supervision of Capital Market Prospectuses: issuances stable for quarter and year as a whole despite turbulence due to COVID-19 pandemic

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Issuances stable for quarter and year as a whole despite turbulence due to COVID-19 pandemic

First FinTech admitted to the FMA’s Regulatory Sandbox. Minister of Finance Gernot Blümel pleased that “the new initiative for supporting digitalisation is gaining acceptance.”

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initiative for supporting digitalisation is gaining acceptance

“Let’s talk about money” – the FMA starts a new information channel for consumers

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The FMA starts a new information channel for consumers

Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing – first anniversary of stricter anti-money laundering regulations for Virtual Asset Service Providers: 40 Applications, 18 Registrations

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First anniversary of stricter anti-money laundering regulations for Virtual Asset Service Providers: 40 applications, 18 registrations

FMA and OeNB have defined their joint priorities for banking supervision for 2021.

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Banking Supervision 2021

Investment fraudsters were particularly active in 2020, fraud victims lost around € 42,000 on average

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fraud victims lost around € 42,000 on average

FMA implements the European Systemic Risk Board’s (ESRB) recommendations of distribution policy in light of the COVID-19 crisis

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distribution policy in light of the COVID-19 crisis

FMA Report on the State of the Insurance Industry 2020: COVID-19 crisis exacerbates the challenges posed by the low interest environment

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COVID-19 crisis exacerbates the challenges posed by the low interest environment

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