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2685 results

FinTech Point of Contact continues to be in high demand

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36 market participants were provided with FinTech-related information

Questra Holdings Inc.

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The FMA warns investors against the conclusion of banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

Atlantic Global Asset Management, SA

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The FMA warns investors against the conclusion of banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

ESMA updates Q&As on MiFID II/MiFIR investor protection topics

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MiFID II/MiFIR Investor protection topics

MDM Group AG

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The FMA warns investors against the conclusion of investment services requiring a licence with this provider.

C-QUADRAT Wealth Management AG

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C-QUADRAT Wealth Management AG

Lapsing of licence due to licence being surrendered

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Licence of C-QUADRAT Kapitalanlage AG lapses due to having been surrendered

Portfolio Transfer from Scottish Equitable plc to Rothesay Life plc

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Scottish Equitable plc to Rothesay Life plc

ESMA Statement on measures in relation to highly speculative financial instruments

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measures with regard to highly speculative financial instruments

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is considering product interventions for highly-speculative financial instruments

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highly speculative financial instruments

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