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All news in category: Press Release


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724 results

The FMA warns about fraudsters passing themselves off as FMA employees

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fraudsters are falsely claiming to be FMA employees

FMA Annual Report 2020: Austrian financial market is stable despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Financial services supporting the real economy.

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Austrian financial market is stable despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Financial services supporting the real economy.

Beware of “Greenwashing” of Financial Products

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Beware of the practice of “greenwashing” of financial products.

“Let’s talk about money” – tips for using insurance comparison portals

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tips for using insurance comparison portals

FMA Foreign Currency Loans Survey, 4th Quarter 2020: outstanding volume € 11.2 bn, almost 80% less than in 2008 when adjusted for exchange rate effects

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outstanding volume € 11.2 bn, almost 80% less than in 2008 when adjusted for exchange rate effects

FMA warns about the market manipulation form “Pump and Dump” – retail investors in particular sustain losses from apparently hot stock tips

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retail investors in particular frequently sustain losses from apparently hot stock tips

Important step for strengthening of security of online payments: Strong Customer Authentication compulsory from today for e-Commerce card payments

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Strong Customer Authentication compulsory from today for e-Commerce card payments

FMA Report for Q4 2020 on Austrian Pensionskassen: assets managed increases to € 24.98 billion, 2020 investment performance +2.5%

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assets managed increases to € 24.98 billion, 2020 investment performance +2.5%

FMA Report on Asset Management in the Austrian Funds Market in 2020: Net asset value increases by € 7.5 bn (+3.8%) to € 202.5 bn

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net asset value increases by € 7.5 bn (+3.8%) to € 202.5 bn

FMA Report for the 4th Quarter of 2020 for the Austrian insurance industry: moderate growth in premiums in 2020, significant decrease in profitability, good solvency

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Moderate growth in premiums in 2020, significant decrease in profitability, good solvency

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