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All news in category: Press Release


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724 results

FMA Study on “The market for state-sponsored retirement provision in 2020”: market continues to contract significantly. Investment performance negative.

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market continues to contract significantly. Investment performance negative.

“Let’s talk about money” – Fund fees: compare them! When buying units in a fund, you are charged fund fees. Is your fund expensive or cheap?

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Fund fees

FMA Market Study 2021 on fund fees charged by Austrian retail funds: ongoing fees remain constant, but significant reduction in entry charges.

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on fund fees charged by Austrian retail funds

FMA Foreign Currency Loans Survey, 1st Quarter 2021: adjusted for exchange rate effects volume has fallen by € 37.6 bn since 2008, outstanding amount in absolute terms now stands at € 10.3 bn.

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Volume has fallen by € 37.6 bn since 2008, outstanding amount now stands at € 10.3 bn.

“Let’s talk about money” – money laundering: how illegal assets are given a legal appearance

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how illegal assets are given a legal appearance

FMA Report for the 1st Quarter of 2021 for the Austrian insurance industry: stable volume of premiums, increased result from ordinary activities

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stable volume of premiums, increased result from ordinary activities

FMA Report for Q1 2021 on Austrian Pensionskassen: assets managed increase slightly, positive investment performance

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assets managed increases slightly, positive investment performance

FMA Report on Asset Management in the first quarter of 2021: Net Asset Volume of Austrian investment funds increases slightly

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Net Asset Volume of Austrian investment funds increases slightly

“Let’s talk about money”: Crypto-Assets, Tokens, Coins? – The FMA explains about different categories of crypto-assets

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Crypto-Assets, Tokens, Coins? The FMA explains about different categories of crypto-assets

FMA Market Analysis: Austria’s licensed investment undertakings manage around € 51 bn client assets – with a focus on professional clients

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Austria’s licensed investment undertakings manage around € 51 bn client assets – with a focus on professional clients

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