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Increasing risk of a hard Brexit: FMA demands wide-ranging measures from insurance undertakings

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FMA demands measures from insurance undertakings

Announcement: FMA imposes sanction against Adler Real Estate AG and Petrus (UK) LLP as well as a natural person for breaches against the Stock Exchange Act (BörseG; Börsegesetz)

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FMA imposes sanction for breaches against the Stock Exchange Act (BörseG)

Prohibition of Marketing

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Aladin Capital AG (now “Swiss Dynasty Trust AG”)

Lapsing of Licence

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Investment Partner Wertpapierdienstleistungen GmbH

FMA Focus Product Intervention

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Information about restrictions and prohibitions of financial products

FMA publishes Guide on IT Security in Insurance and Reinsurance Undertakings

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Insurance and Reinsurance Undertakings

David Grünberger, Head of the FMA’s Accounting Team, appointed “Head of Section Prudential Policies” at the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)

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“Head of Section Prudential Policies” in DG IV of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) from 1 September 2018

EIOPA calls upon insurers to inform customers about the effects of Brexit

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Effects of Brexit

EBA Opinion on risks in the case of a hard Brexit

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EBA Opinion on risks in the case of a hard Brexit

FMA clarifies that prohibiting the business model of INVIA GmbH does not include the freezing of INVIA accounts

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Clarification: prohibiting INVIA GmbH’s business model does not include the freezing of INVIA accounts

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