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FMA urges for greater networking efforts in the fight against cyber risks in the financial market

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FMA urges for greater networking in the financial market

Solomon & Kendrick

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

Austria’s banks in line with expectations. Supervisor advises not to let up with strengthening of capital base.

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Austria’s banks in line with expectations.

FMA Survey on Foreign Currency Loans in Q2 2018: proportion of FX loans to all loans falls to 10.2%. Outstanding volume: € 15.26 billion

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Share of FX loans to all loans falls to 10.2%

Announcement: Sanction against Gerhard Vytlacil for a breach against the Securities Supervision Act 2018 (WAG 2018)

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Sanction imposed for a breach against the Securities Supervision Act 2018 (WAG 2018)

Lapsing of Licences

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Raiffeisenbank Mariapfarr, St. Michael – Oberlungau, Raiffeisenkasse Mieders-Schönberg

Markets Profit

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

ESMA to renew distribution restrictions for binary options and CFDs. FMA calls on investors to report any instances of these products being offered.

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FMA calls on investors to report any instances of these products being offered.

Capital Tech LTD.

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

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