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2685 results

FMA On-Site Inspection Strategy 2019: 261 measures planned, priority on Sustainable Business Models, Information Requirements, IT Risk and the Prevention of Money Laundering

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261 measures planned. Priority on sustainable business models, information requirements, IT risk and preventation of money laundering

New Deposit Guarantee System commences operations as start of year

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Fundamental transformation of the Austrian deposit guarantee system comes into force on 1 January 2019

ESMA extends Product Intervention to protect small investors regarding Binary Options and Contracts for Difference (CFDs)

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Protection of small investors regarding Binary Options and Contracts for Difference (CFDs)

FMA: strict and transparent standards for an even more efficient and effective fight against money laundering and terrorist financing

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Rundschreiben zur Prävention von Geldwäscherei und Terrorismusfinanzierung

Akita Matsui Trading/ Nanto Sapporo Brokerage

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

Merger of Financial Insurance Company Limited into AXA France IARD

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Financial Insurance Company Limited into AXA France IARD

Notes on Prospectus Approval: checking of prospectuses is not a product approval

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checking of prospectuses is not a product approval

Merger of Aviabel SA/NV into AXIS Speciality Europe SE

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Aviabel SA/NV into AXIS Speciality Europe SE

Merger of Financial Assurance Company Limited and Financial Insurance Company Limited into AXA France VIE

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Financial Assurance Company Limited and Financial Insurance Company Limited into AXA France VIE

FMA warns about fraudulent phone calls in which the caller pretends to be an FMA employee and requests money to be transferred to avoid the apparent blocking of accounts

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Calls request money to be transferred to avoid the apparent blocking of accounts

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