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2685 results

BIC Asset Management

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The FMA warns investors against concluding investment and banking transactions requiring a licence with this Provider.

La Roche Capital Corp.

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The FMA warns investors against concluding investment transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

FX NextGen Ltd

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider

FMA starts consultation of its “Guide for Handling Sustainability Risks”

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“Guide for Handling Sustainability Risks”

FMA is taking part in the ESMA Common Supervisory Action 2020 on UCITS Liquidity Risk Management

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The FMA will take part in the CSA in 2020 on liquidity risk management in UCITS management companies

FMA participating in ESMA Common Supervisory Action 2020

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The FMA is taking part of the ESMA CSA in 2020 on the suitability of investment services

CRT Capital Ltd.

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider

Anglo Austrian AAB Bank AG (previously Meinl Bank AG): Withdrawal of Banking Licence in force again. Appointment of the government commissioner lapses. The FMA has submitted an application at the Commercial Court for the appointment of a liquidator.

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Withdrawal of banking licence effective again. Appointment of government commissioner lapses. FMA applied for appointment of a liquidator.

Withdrawal of licence of Anglo Austrian AAB Bank AG (formerly Meinl Bank AG) once again in force

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Withdrawal of licence once again in force

Digitalisation of the Austrian Financial Market – Findings from the Call for Input

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Findings from the Call for Input

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