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All news in category: Press Release


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724 results

One third of new retail investors invest in Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) – the FMA explains how they work and about their composition

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The FMA explains how they work and about their composition

FMA: Weaknesses in management of non-financial risks may endanger the reputation and economic stability of financial service providers.

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FMA: Weaknesses in management of non-financial risks may endanger the reputation and economic stability of financial service providers.

FMA issues Regulation for sustainable lending standards for residential real estate financing (KIM-V)

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Sustainable lending standards for the financing of residential real estate

FMA Report on Asset Management for the 1st Quarter of 2022: stock market turbulence affects net asset value of investment funds despite significant net inflows

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At the end of Q1 2022, Austrian investment funds managed approx. € 220.0 bn in assets.

FMA Foreign Currency Loans Survey, 1st Quarter 2022: adjusted for exchange rate effects outstanding volume has decreased by € 39.24 bn since 2008, in absolute term € 9.4 bn still outstanding.

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outstanding volume of FX lending to private households decreased during the 1st quarter of 2022 compared with the previous quarter

FMA Q1 2022 Report on the Austrian Insurance Sector: increase in premium volume, fall in earnings from ordinary activities

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increase in premium volume, fall in earnings from ordinary activities

FMA Report for Q1 2022 on Austrian Pensionskassen: assets managed falls, more than one million beneficiaries (entitled and recipients)

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assets managed falls, more than one million beneficiaries (entitled and recipients)

“Let’s talk about money”: Investment advice

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The FMA devotes the latest edition of its information series “Let’s talk about money” to investment advice

FMA Executive Director Eduard Müller elected to the Management Board of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

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FMA Executive Director Eduard Müller elected to the Management Board of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

FMA Annual Report 2021: Austrian financial market stable despite COVID-19 crisis, 2022 brings serious political and economic challenges

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Austrian financial market stable despite COVID-19 crisis, 2022 brings serious political and economic challenges

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