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2685 results

Kolusha OU / FMR International OU (“Barons VC”)

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

Prime-InvestFX / Prime-InvestFX Ltd

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

Change of legal form of CMTA GmbH

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change of legal form

Elite Traders Trading Services LTD / Prime Technologies LTD

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The FMA warns investors against concluding investment services requiring a licence with this provider.

Royal Gates LTD (FxPrime)

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The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

11th FMA Supervisory Conference: “The Financial Market between COVID-19 and climate risks – different challenges, the same solutions?”

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The Financial Market between COVID-19 and climate risks – different challenges, the same solutions

Registration as Account Information Service Provider pursuant to Article 1 para. 2 no. 8 in conjunction with Article 15 ZaDiG 2018

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FINcredible GmbH

Registration of Raiffeisen Centrobank AG as an Administrator pursuant to Article 34 (1) point (b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1011

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Announcement of registration of Raiffeisen Centrobank AG as an administrator under the Benchmarks Regulation

Portfolio Transfer/Merger

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Merger of SK Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft (FN 92903y) into Generali Versicherung AG (FN 38641a)

Krisimark Ltd

Release Date: |

The FMA warns investors against concluding banking transactions requiring a licence with this provider.

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