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FMA Report on Asset Management – 1st Quarter 2024: funds managed increase significantly to € 220 bn, sustainable funds continue to boom.

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As of the end of the first quarter of 2024, Austrian investment funds managed assets of around € 220.0 billion[1]. The amount represents an increase by € 6.9 billion or 3.2% compared with the preceding quarter. Year-on-year this represented an increase by € 16.4 billion or 8.06%. The amount of assets managed is therefore the second highest of all time, although it is still over € 10 billion below the all-time high observed at year-end 2021. The increase in net asset value during the first quarter of 2024 resulted from aggregated net inflows of funds of € 1.1 billion, while the greatest proportion of this increase (€ 5.8 billion) was due to changes in market values. Broken down by investment strategy as of 31.03.2024, € 100.8 billion (+2.9% compared to the preceding quarter) was managed in mixed funds, € 59.7 billion (+1.7%) in bond funds, € 44.3 billion (+8.6%) in equity funds, € 9.1 billion (-5.5%) in real estate funds, € 4.4 billion (+2.5%) in short-term bond funds, € 1.3 billion (only annual data available) in private equity funds as well as € 0.3 billion (-1.9%) in other funds. In the long-term net inflows of funds have been observed in particular among equity funds, while the outflows in bond funds posted from 2023 onwards have once against reverted to inflows. In contrast, mixed funds have shown outflows. A total volume of € 104.2 billion (+5.1% or + € 5.0 billion in comparison with the previous quarter) are already managed that are classified as sustainability-related funds in accordance with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), which is the market segment displaying the strongest growth. These are the findings of the FMA’s Report on Asset Management for the 1st quarter of 2024 (“FMA-Bericht Asset Management im 1. Quartal 2024”), which was published today.

As of the reporting date, there were 14 authorised investment fund management companies[2] (KAGs) and 60 alternative investment fund managers[3] (AIFMs), managing 883 Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) and 1,201 Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs). Categorised by investment strategy , the breakdown is of 1,138 mixed funds, 431 bond funds, 353 equity funds, 50 short-term bond funds, 44 private equity funds, 18 real estate funds and 50 other funds. Of these, 652 funds have an SFDR link. The total number of Austrian funds increased by ten compared against the preceding quarter.

As of the end of the first quarter, 8,165 UCITs (+67 compared to the preceding quarter) and 3,195 AIFs (+64 compared to the preceding quarter) from the European Economic Area (EEA) of foreign KAGS and AIFMs had notified about distribution in Austria. Broken down by their country of origin, Luxembourg, Ireland, Germany and France are particularly strongly represented.

The full report “FMA-Bericht Asset Management im 1. Quartal 2024” is available for download (in German only) on the FMA website at:

Journalists may address further enquiries to:

Klaus Grubelnik (FMA Media Spokesperson)

+43 / (0)1 / 24959-6006

+43 / (0)676 / 88 249 516

[email protected]

[1] Aggregated volume of funds as Net Asset Value (NAV)

[2] under the Investment Funds Act 2011 (InvFG 2011; Investmentfondsgesetz 2011)

[3] under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act (AIFMG)

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