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Astra Finanz

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Pursuant to Article 4 para. 7 first sentence of the Bankwesengesetz (BWG; Banking Act), the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) may disclose to the general public by publication on the Internet, in the official gazette “Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung”, or in any other newspaper with nationwide circulation, that a particular natural or legal person (person) is not entitled to carry out certain banking transactions, provided that said person has given cause for such action and informing the general public is deemed necessary and reasonable with regard to possible disadvantages of the person concerned.

By publication in the official gazette “Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung” of 11 December 2014, the FMA informs, that

Astra Finanz
with alleged business location in
Industriestraße 31
6923 Lauterach

is not entitled to carry out banking transactions in Austria that require a licence. The provider is prohibited from brokering transactions on a commercial basis as specified in no. 3, with the exception of mortgage loans and personal loans brokered while practising the trades of real estate broker and of broker of personal loans, mortgage loans and investment advice as specified in Article 1 para. 1 no. 18 lit. b BWG (brokering of loan transactions).